A downloadable tool for Windows

I created a desktop pet based on my cat, Pepper! She'll roam freely across your screen, occasionally attaching herself to the edges of your desktop. You can interact with her by dragging her around with a left-click or giving her a little pet with a right-click. It's like having a mini Pepper companion right on your computer!

Updated 5 days ago
Published 9 days ago
Tags2D, Cats, Desktop Pet


pepperdesktoppet.zip 28 MB

Install instructions

To install the program, follow these simple steps:

  1. Download the file: Click the download link to get the installation file.
  2. Unzip the file: Once downloaded, locate the file and unzip it.
  3. Run the program: After unzipping, simply double-click on the .exe to start it.

Enjoy using the program!

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